Class will have a strong focus on jazz technique influenced by classic jazz styles from Fosse and Luigi, to Frank Hatchett. All classes will consist of proper stretching, leaps, turns and jazz combination, specific to the level of the class.
* Please note, all Intensive Track class requirements need to met in order to register for these classes.
Dress Code
Leotard, tights, BLACK jazz shoes for Kindergarten, Petit Jazz 1 & 2 and TAN shoes for all otrher jazz classes, dance pants or dance shorts are permitted.No baggy shirts, sweatpants or street shoes.
Hair should be secured neatly off the face for all dance classes, in a bun for ballet.
The Brava Boutique carries shoes and attire and your favorite Brava Wear. For quality dancewear and shoes with the convenience of shopping online, Brava recommends Curtain Call. Click here to view all products recommended for each class.